1986 Nevex Defeat
Summary of 1986 Lyon County Board of Commissioners Decision to Deny Change of Land Use for Nevex Gold Inc necessary for open pit mine in Silver City
  1. In 1986, the Lyon County Planning Commission and the Lyon County Board of Commissioners rejected an application for a change in Lyon County Master Plan special use permit (SUP) by Nevex Gold Co, Inc, for development of an open pit mine in Silver City. The proposed mine site corresponds with the area covered in CMI’s exploratory drilling plan, in and around the Dayton Consolidated Mill.

  2. Lyon County Board of Commissioners Chairman, Bob Cummings, listed several

reasons for denial of the rezoning request:

    - Planning Commission had denied application

    - Does not comply with Master Plan

    -  Doesn’t conserve open space or protect natural/scenic resources

    -  Immediate and long-term adverse economic effects to Silver City and Landmark

    - Doesn’t promote health and general welfare of Silver City

    - Not compatible with Silver City Area - doesn’t encourage most appropriate land use

    - Present zoning predominately residential in nature

     - Rezoning would significantly harm integrity of the Historic District & Landmark

    - Violates goals of responsible management of national resources, improvement of neighborhood stability, and increased property values

  1. The 1986 decision gave existing Silver City home owners and new home buyers/builders confidence in the stability of zoning and property values. The result was measured growth of the town, construction of several new homes and improvements to many existing properties.

  1. The present Master Plan and zoning are essentially the same as in 1986.